What Are the Advantages of Hiring a Virtual Real Estate Transaction Coordinator?

Outsourcing Virtual Assistants Real Estate Transaction
Jack Manu | March 14,2024

Discover the benefits of employing a virtual real estate transaction coordinator. Streamline processes, cost reductions, and efficient support ensure a smooth property transaction experience.

What Is a Virtual Real Estate Transaction Coordinator?

If you are a busy real estate agent or broker. You understand how difficult and time-consuming. It can be to handle all of the details and documentation involved in a real estate transaction. Numerous duties demand your attention and competence. These jobs can divert your attention away from your primary responsibilities. which includes generating leads. maintaining connections, and completing more business. This is where a virtual real estate sales integrator may assist you.

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator is a specialist who manages. The administrative and operational aspects of a real estate transaction. Remotely via online tools and platforms. A transaction coordinator can help you save time, money, and frustration.

Tasks to Assign, A Virtual Real Estate Transaction Coordinator. A virtual real estate can handle several responsibilities for you, depending on your requirements and preferences.

Some of the common tasks you can delegate to a real estate transaction coordinator include:

• Contract to Close Administration

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator. can prepare review, and submit all necessary transaction documents and forms. Including purchase agreements, addenda, disclosures, and contingencies. escrow instructions. They can monitor the transaction’s progress and status, ensuring that all deadlines and contingencies are satisfied.

• Quality Control

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator can ensure that all transaction-related paperwork and information are accurate and comprehensive.

• Post-Close Follow-ups

A virtual coordinator may help you with post-closing chores. Like sending thank-you cards and feedback surveys to clients, and soliciting referrals and testimonials. Updating your CRM and database, and archiving transaction files.

Data Management

Assist you in maintaining. A keep tab of your contacts, leads, transactions, papers, and reports, a virtual real coordinator can assist. They can use online tools. Platforms like Google Drive, Dropbox, Evernote, or your preferred CRM system to safely and efficiently store, access, and share data. Reports, pipeline reports, commission reports, and performance reports, to help you monitor and assess your business.

• Schedule Management

A real estate transaction coordinator. Can assist you in organizing your schedule and appointments, including showings, open houses, inspections, appraisals, closings, and meetings. They can utilize online tools and platforms. Like Google Calendar, Calendly, or your preferred scheduling system to build, update, and sync your calendar across all your devices.

7 Essential Transaction Coordinator Tools

A virtual real estate sales integrator must have access to the necessary tools. Platforms to complete their job effectively and efficiently. Here are some of the necessary tools that a virtual real estate sales integrator must use:

1. Open to close

2. Brokermint

3. Qualia

4. Canva

5. iBroker

6. DocuSign

7. Zoom

Advantages of A Virtual Transaction Coordinator in Real Estate

Hiring a virtual real estate sales integrator offers numerous benefits, including:

Ensure Quality processing

A virtual real estate sales integrator. Can ensure that your transactions are executed correctly and efficiently by adhering to industry best practices and standards. An assist you,

  • In avoiding any errors, delays, or penalties that may affect your transactions and reputation.

Reduce costs

A virtual real estate sales integrator. Can help you save money, By working on a per-transaction hourly basis, Pay or fee. You Can also save money. On the costs of hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house employee, including payroll taxes, benefits, office space, and equipment.

Increase productivity

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator. Can help you save money by working. On a per-transaction or hourly basis. On the costs of hiring, training, and maintaining an in-house employee, including payroll taxes, benefits, office space, and equipment.

Increase Productivity

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator. Can improve productivity by handling tedious and time-consuming tasks, allowing you to concentrate on your primary business activities. You can concentrate on generating leads. Developing relationships, and closing more deals.

Save time

A virtual Assistant real estate transaction coordinator. Can help you save time by working faster and smarter, utilizing cutting-edge tools and technologies. You can also save time. By avoiding repeated and mundane operations. Like data entry, filing, and printing, instead. Using it more effectively and strategically.

Experience in real estate transactions

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator. Can provide you with their skills and experience. A real estate transaction. With the industry, market, and legislation. Suggestions to help you improve your processes and results. Challenges of Hiring a Virtual Real Estate Transaction Coordinator.

Are You Ready To Start, Hiring a Virtual Real Estate Transaction Coordinator?

However, there are certain drawbacks to engaging. A virtual real estate transaction coordinator, including:

• Loss of control

A virtual real estate transaction coordinator works remotely, giving you less control and monitoring over your job. Have to cope with communication gaps. Time zone differences, and cultural obstacles, can all have an impact on teamwork and trust.

Risk Quality of Work

A virtual real estate sales integrator. May not be as committed and devoted. If they work. On several customers or projects. have to compromise. On work quality if the virtual real estate sales integrators. Are not sufficiently qualified, competent, or dependable.

Who Might Use an Outsourced Transaction Coordinator?

Outsourced transaction coordinators are perfect for real estate professionals with a high frequency of transactions.
Have a high volume of transactions

If you have a large volume of transactions, you may not have the time or resources to manage them all on your own. An outsourced transaction coordinator. Can help you manage. Your workload and scale your business.

Want to focus on their primary activity

If you want to focus on your main activities. generating leads. Building relationships, and completing more deals. You may not want to devote time and energy to administrative and operational responsibilities. An outsourced transaction coordinator. Can complete those activities on your skills and objectives.
Need flexibility and affordability

If you require flexibility and affordability, you may not want to hire a full- or part-time employee with set hours, compensation, and benefits. An outsourced transaction coordinator. Can work on a per-transaction or hourly basis. Allowing you to pay. Only, What do you need when you need it?

Where Can I Find a Real Estate Virtual Transaction Coordinator?

If you’re looking for a virtual real estate sales integrator, you have a few possibilities, including:

• Online platforms

Virtual transaction coordinators. Are noticed on numerous internet pages. An Ossisto, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Zirtual. You can look through their profiles, portfolios, reviews, and ratings to choose the one that meets your requirements and budget. To ensure that the virtual transaction coordinator delivers high-quality work on time, you might need to devote some time and effort to recruiting, screening, and supervising them.

Companies offering virtual assistant services

Virtual assistant firms like Ossisto, Virtudesk, and REVA Global offer dedicated or shared virtual transaction coordinators. You can benefit from their expertise and training. Experienced virtual transaction coordinators. You can be a free or independent virtual transaction coordinator on several online platforms, including Ossisto, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Zirtual.


Who may have used or know someone? Who is a virtual transaction coordinator? An Alternative seeks references. People in your network. A colleague, acquaintances, and relatives. You may get honest and dependable feedback. can be confident that the virtual transaction coordinator has a solid reputation and track record. need to wait for a referral and ensure. The virtual real estate transaction coordinator is available and suitable for you.


A virtual real estate sales integrator. A specialist who manages the administrative and operational aspects of real estate sales remotely via online tools and platforms. A real estate transaction coordinator can provide numerous benefits. Including quality processing, cost reduction, increased productivity, time savings, and a real estate transaction experience. You can be a free or independent virtual transaction coordinator on several online platforms, including Ossisto, Fiverr, Freelancer, and Zirtual. A real estate transaction coordinator. an ideal for real estate professionals managing numerous transactions.

who prioritize their core tasks or need flexibility and cost-effectiveness? You can discover a virtual transaction coordinator through internet platforms, virtual assistant firms, or recommendations.
This blog post should provide you. with an explanation of what a real estate transaction coordinator is? and how they can help you with your real estate company. If you have any questions or comments, kindly contact us.

Jack Manu

Jack Manu

Outsourcing Consultant

About the Author:

Jack Manu, an outsourcing consultant at Velan, has more than a decade of experience in assisting real estate companies and real estate agents to improve the operational efficiency. He has been helping real estate agents including many REMAX agents to focus on their core business by offering transaction & listing coordinator services, accounting service and social media marketing assistance.

Author can be reached at jack.manu@velaninfo.com