How to Use Virtual Assistants to Grow Your Business

Benefits of Virtual Assistants of 2024
Jack Manu | March 18,2024

Starting and running your own business is one of the most satisfying endeavors you can undertake in your life. However, let’s be honest: it can also be difficult. A large part of conquering these challenges is being able to manage your time effectively.

Once you’ve solved this challenge, you’ll be able to increase your productivity and deliver maximum value to your clients and consumers, keeping them coming back for more.

But what if you don’t have the time or resources to accomplish this?

As a small business owner, it is critical to identify ways to delegate or outsource duties that impede your success. A virtual assistant (VA) is an excellent solution that will save you both time and money. Surrounding yourself with the appropriate people allows you to shift your emphasis away from stress and toward revenue.

The distinction between, growth and scale:

Many individuals use ‘growth’ and ‘scale’ interchangeably. While they both discuss increasing revenue for your organization, some small variations distinguish them.

Growth refers to increasing your company’s revenue while also adding new resources and expenses, such as employees.

Scale is the process of increasing revenue without increasing the number of resources required. In essence, it is about making the most of limited resources. 

Businesses can scale in a variety of ways. For example, they could improve their operations or implement new technology tools. Alternatively, businesses can bring in additional resources in the form of freelance virtual assistants, who can offer a combination of expertise and cost-effectiveness.

By improving your efficiency, you can expand your firm while raising your profit margins. That’s why scaling is so appealing.

Why is hiring virtual assistants ideal in 2024?

In 2023, many sectors faced layoffs and hiring freezes, making the employment market difficult to navigate. Finding top talent is a struggle.

During these unpredictable economic times, a freelance virtual assistant might be really helpful. They allow organizations to hire top people without having to go through extensive (and expensive) hiring processes.

Furthermore, given the current economic climate, hiring permanent in-house personnel may appear hazardous. Instead, you can hire helpers as needed. It’s a clever and practical method to help your staff without breaking the bank.

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A virtual PA matches the fractional work trend

Fractional employment has grown significantly over the previous decade, ranging from “gig” laborers to C-level executives.

While a virtual PA might be hired for entire work weeks, fractional roles are usually part-time or temporary.

These arrangements are especially beneficial for startups and small enterprises since they allow them to gain access to professional abilities without incurring the customary high prices. This is a game changer, providing organizations with market agility and reactivity that would otherwise be difficult to achieve.

The benefits of virtual assistants. for small business owners looking to increase operations.

If you wish to scale your operations, you must delegate responsibilities.

Delegation allows you to focus on your main responsibilities

Being an entrepreneur or a small business owner requires juggling a variety of obligations. While it is beneficial to maintain control, there are limitations to what one individual can handle. Doing too much and spreading oneself too thin can lead to failure rather than success.

This is where virtual assistants come in.

Outsourcing tedious jobs allows you to devote more time to what is most important to your organization. Nobody has infinite energy, and the most successful entrepreneurs understand where to focus their efforts. If you excel at strategy, people management, or creativity, you should focus on those areas. Representative the rest to a virtual assistant.

Close the skill gap

Collaboration with virtual assistant services opens the door to a wealth of experience. A good agency hires freelancers from a variety of backgrounds, giving you a pool of excellent talent to choose from for varied projects.

This is significant because every firm occasionally encounters talent shortages. Modern businesses are rather complex, and it might be difficult for a small team—and impossible for you—to cover all bases.

Valuable thoughts, expertise, and knowledge from their previous employment (all-time assistants must have at least five years of experience in a relevant professional field). Their expertise and experience on a variety of issues allow them to seamlessly integrate into your organization.


One of the most appealing aspects of a virtual assistant for small business owners is a fundamental principle of scale: lower overhead while increasing productivity.

Here’s how a virtual assistant can help you save money:


As any founder knows, finding the right personnel takes time and money. You must post advertisements, sort through responses, shortlist candidates, conduct interviews, and do background checks. Even with all of that, there is no assurance that you will find the proper individual. The entire process can stymie your expansion goals.

Outsourcing to an employment agency can save you time, but it’s also expensive. Again, there’s no assurance you’ll receive the correct person.

Staff overheads

Full-time employees are compensated with salaries, taxes, vacation time, and other benefits. The whole package can be fairly large, particularly for top-tier talent.

Hiring virtual assistants allows you to hire someone as needed. You simply pay for the tasks and hours they do, which makes things efficient and ideal for scaling your firm.

Operating costs

If you hire someone in-house, the expenditures can add up before they even walk through the front door on their first day.

You must provide them with everything they require, which often includes equipment, supplies, and, of course, a decent workspace. However, when office space is the second-largest overall expense and the single-largest fixed cost your company will incur over time, it can have a significant influence on its potential to scale.

Employing virtual assistants helps you circumvent significant initial and continuous costs as they operate from their workspace with their equipment.

When everything is added up, hiring a virtual assistant can save firms up to 90% over hiring full-time, in-house staff. You can use the freed-up financial resources to fund strategic projects that promote growth and innovation.

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Which tasks may you Delegate, to a virtual assistant?

The major benefit of outsourcing jobs to a VA is that you have things completed quickly, allowing you to focus on providing value to your clients while increasing revenue.

Here are some daily activities you can delegate to your virtual assistant as you scale.

  • General administrative responsibilities include data entry, email management, appointment scheduling, voicemail monitoring, travel preparations, and any other tasks that divert your attention away from your core company activity.
  • Social media and content marketing tasks include post-scheduling, direct message response, content creation, email marketing, and outbound copy.
  • Sales administration includes updating your CRM, researching leads, creating invoices, chasing payments, and more.
  • Research is the process of gathering high-quality information about topics, services, articles, market trends, and anything else required to generate cash. 

In short, there are numerous regular chores that you can delegate to a virtual assistant to free up your time and allow you to focus on driving value in your organization.

Here are 50 tasks you can outsource to a virtual assistant to save time in your business. What’s the bottom line?

As we reach the commercial world of 2024, the mix of human expertise and technical efficiency will drive a scalable future.

Virtual assistants offer valuable insights and effective solutions to assist businesses in overcoming challenges and seizing opportunities.  With their assistance, you may transform daunting tasks into attainable milestones, gaining momentum toward amazing business success.

These extremely adaptable solutions may scale up and down with your business, allowing you to pay for exactly what you require. In short, hiring the perfect virtual assistant to lessen the strain might make increasing your profits less stressful.

Velan is dedicated to assisting diligent and ambitious entrepreneurs in expanding their enterprises by connecting them with the best virtual assistants for their needs. Contact our expert staff to get started, or try a competent virtual assistant for free now!

Jack Manu

Jack Manu

Outsourcing Consultant

About the Author:

Jack Manu, an outsourcing consultant at Velan, has more than a decade of experience in assisting real estate companies and real estate agents to improve the operational efficiency. He has been helping real estate agents including many REMAX agents to focus on their core business by offering transaction & listing coordinator services, accounting service and social media marketing assistance.

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